There are moments in every parents lives that are permnant snapshots of our children: their brith; their first smile; their first laugh; their first steps; and their first day of school. Today was Mia's first day of kindergarten. The preparations for this day were so exciting! Armed with a new pink leopard backpack, blue sparkly shirt, and Hannah Montana shoes the entire family got up early to walk Mia into school.
As we turned the corner to the school the tears began to fall--her socks. I'm guessing it was just nerves. It started to get me a bit choked up. Then we get to the playground, and daddy started to get choked up. That was it . . . tears everywhere. Thank God I had the foresight not to put any make-up on that day (okay . . . so really it wasn't foresight; it was just yet another day without make-up :-) and I was armed with my sunglasses.
The 2 and a half hours she was there felt like FOREVER! I don't think time has ever moved so slow for me. It was sort-of eery and very foreign to me. I'm sure for her, the morning went by much faster, and she came out of class happy and smiling--all is good!
This was the first day Mia got to take little steps to starting her very own independent life; which will be full of her own unique memories and experiences. Geez . . . what's college going to be like?!? Yikes! I think I'm going to have to start preparing for that one now!