What a winter wonderland! It's been a magical week!
For the first time, I saw snow dusting the top of the mountains immediately surrounding Stevenson Ranch. The weather prompted an emergency trip to the mall to purchase winter jackets for the girls (whose regular one's have a home in Big Bear).
As for Big Bear . . . what can I say . . . they've had the most snow in 35 years!!! Getting more than half of the average annual snowfall in just a matter of days. With about 42" of snow, it is truly a winter wonderland! With plans for a Big Bear holiday we loaded up the cars with holiday goodies and caravaned through a snow-covered desert!?!
Armed with chains for both cars we made it to the base of the mountain, attempted to put Craig's on (to no avail), started up the mountain road (which didn't look to bad . . . at first), only to turn around and leave Craig's car at the Sheriff's station (to which the Sheriff said they "couldn't guarantee it's safety" -- we had to chuckle).
We arrived in Big Bear Friday night only to find ourselves snowed-OUT! With one step into hip-deep snow, a twisted-ankle, and a one-night stay in a hotel later . . . we were able to shovel out our front gate and await the snow plow. To make further progress, I opened one of Craig's Xmas present early (a pair of antique snow-shoes) and made my way to the house to put the heat on and load up the sled with boots, snow pants and mittens. Worst case scenario we would pull the girls in on the sled and enjoy the evening in our own beds. Here's a little video montage for you to enjoy . . .